Nano and Interfacial Catalysis Group

Prof. Xiulian Pan

潘秀莲 研究员
Professor of the State Key Laboratory of Catalysis
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Zhongshan Road 457, Dalian 116023,China
Tel : +86 411 84379969
Fax : +86 411 84694447

Education and working experience:

1992-1996 Dalian University of Technology, Bachelor degree
1996-2001 Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Franhofer Institute of Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology, Germany, PhD (Membrane and membrane catalysis)
2001-2003 Fraunhofer Institute of Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology, Germany, Postdoctor (Membrane and membrane catalysis)
2003-2009 Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS, Associate professor
Since 2009

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS, professor

Research Interests:

Synthesis and functionalization of nano-structured carbon (carbon nanotubes, graphene, porous carbon and SiC based composite)

Development of carbon-based metal-free catalysts

Catalysis fundamentals over metal/carbon composites, particularly the confinement effects within limited space

Activation and conversion of small molecules such as CO, CO2, N2

Main research funds:

Basic research on catalytic reaction mechanism and regeneration preparation technology (National Key R&D Plan, 2022-2026)

Plasma enhanced pyrolysis of coal to produce high value chemicals (CAS Strategic Priority Research Program, 2022-2024)

Direct conversion of syngas to light olefins (NSFC major project, 2020-2022)

The direct conversion of syngas to ethylene glycol via heterogeneous catalytic process (National Key R&D Plan, 2019-2024)

Direct conversion of coal based syngas to olefins (CAS Strategic Priority Research Program, 2018-2021)

Single Site Catalysis for Direct Conversion of Methane to Ethylene and Aromatics: Design, Test and Operando Characterization (NSFC-DFG project, 2018-2020)

Mechanism of selectivity control in direct conversion of syngas to olefins (NSFC key project, 2017-2020 )

New catalysts system and industrial demonstration for direct syngas conversion to light olefins(National Key R&D Plan, 2016-2021)

Carbon for catalysis (NSFC Distinguished Young Scholars project, 2015-2018)


National March 8th red flag bearer,全国三八红旗手,2021年度

First Prize of National Natural Science Award(the second executive),国家自然科学奖一等奖(纳米限域催化,第二完成人),2020年度

Natural Science award of Liaoning province (the second executive), 辽宁省自然科学一等奖(限域增强的配位不饱和界面催化,第二完成人),2019年度

China Youth Science and Technology Award,中国青年科技奖,2019年度

L'Oreal-UNESCO Women in Science laureate,中国青年女科学家奖,2018年度

National innovation Medal(the second executive),全国创新争先奖牌(纳米与界面催化研究团队,第二完成人),2017年度

The top 10 news stories of scientific and technological progress, 中国科学十大进展(开创煤制烯烃新捷径),2016年度

NSFC Distinguished Young Scholars project(Carbon for catalysis),国家杰出青年基金(碳催化),2015年度

Chinese Chemical Society-BASF Knowledge Innovation Youth Awards, 第七届中国化学会-巴斯夫公司青年知识创新奖, 2014年度

Natural Science award of Liaoning province (the second executive), 辽宁省自然科学一等奖(界面和纳米催化中的限域原理,第二完成人),2009年度

Lujiaxi Young Talent Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 中国科学院卢嘉锡青年人才奖, 2008年度

Representative Publications:

1.Selective conversion of syngas to light olefins, Science, 2016, 351, 1065-1068, Co-corresponding author/3

2.Oxide-zeolite-based composite catalyst concept that enables syngas chemistry beyond Fischer-Tropsch synthesis , Chemical Reviews, 2021, 121, 6588-6609, Co-corresponding author/1

3.Direct conversion of methane to value-added chemicals over heterogeneous catalysts: challenges and prospects, Chemical Reviews,2017, 117, 8497-8520, Co-corresponding author/2

4.High-quality gasoline directly from syngas by dual metal Oxide–Zeolite (OX-ZEO) catalysis, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2019, 58, 7400-7404, Co-corresponding author/3

5.Shape-selective zeolites promote ethylene formation from syngas via a ketene intermediate, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2018, 57, 4692-4696, Co-corresponding author/2

6. Direct conversion of syngas to aromatics , Chemical Communications, 2017, 53, 11146-11149, Co-corresponding author/2

7. Selective synthesis of benzene, toluene and xylenes from syngas , ACS Catalysis,2020, 10, 7389-7397, Co-corresponding author/5

8. Steering the reaction pathway of syngas-to-light olefins with coordination unsaturated sites of ZnGaOx spinel, Nature Communnications, 2022, 13, 2742,Co-corresponding author/4

9. Enhanced ethanol production inside carbon nanotube reactors containing catalytic particles, Nature Materials, 2007, 6, 507-511, author/1

10. Effect of confinement in carbon nanotubes on the activity of Fischer-Tropsch iron catalys, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008, 130, 9414-9419, Co-corresponding author/3

11. The effects of confinement inside carbon nanotubes on catalysis, Accounts of Chemical Research, 2011, 44, 553-562, Co-corresponding author/1

12. Silicon carbide-derived carbon nanocomposite as a substitute for mercury in the catalytic hydrochlorination of acetylene, Nature Communnications, 2014, 5, 3688,Co-corresponding author/2

13. C-C bond formation in syngas conversion over zinc sites grafted on ZSM-5 zeolite, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2020, 59, 6529-6534, Co-corresponding author/4

14. Toward fundamentals of confined catalysis in carbon nanotubes, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015, 137, 477-482, Co-corresponding author/2

15. Iron encapsulated within pod-like carbon nanotubes for oxygen reduction reaction, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2013, 52, 371-375, Co-corresponding author/6

16. Direct synthesis of isoparaffin-rich gasoline from syngas, ACS Energy letters, 2022, 7, 1462-1468, Co-corresponding author/5

17. Effects of proximity-dependent metal migration on bifunctional composites catalyzed syngas to olefins, ACS Catalysis, 2021, 11, 9729−9737, Co-corresponding author/3

18. Role of manganese oxide in syngas conversion to light olefins, ACS Catalysis, 2017, 7, 2800−2804, Co-corresponding author/2

19. FeN nanoparticles confined in carbon nanotubes for CO hydrogenation, Energy & Environmental Science,2011, 4, 4500-4503, Co-corresponding author/3

20. Tuning the redox activity of encapsulated metal clusters via the metallic and semiconducting character of carbon nanotubes,  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United  States of America, 2013, 110, 14861-14866, Co-corresponding author/2

下一条:Prof. Guoxiong Wang
