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【Forum for Basic Studies on Energy】(43)
2024-02-01 08:00:00

25 Years of Efforts in Materials Design for 

Energy Storage and Conversion



简介:科毕业于浙江大学西溪校区(原杭州大学),1995年免试推荐直博,就读于中国科学院大连化物所催化国家重点实验室。20028-20057月分别于法国科学研究中心里昂催化研究所及美国加州理工学院从事博士后研究。20057起担任南京工业大学杰出教授。回国后曾经先后获得霍英东基金,教育部跨世纪优秀人才计划,国家杰出青年基金国家百千万人才计划,教育部长江学者及国家万人计划等人才项目支持。2015年起担任澳大利亚大学John  Curtin杰出教授,从事新能源相关领域的研究邵宗平教授长期致力于新能源材料和器件的开发,在太阳能发电、电化学制氢、燃料电池用氢、储能电池等新能源全产业链都有涉及,特别是氢能的生产和利用的基础和应用研究具有长时间的知识积累。至今在国际期刊如Nature (5), Science(1)Nature Energy (2), Nature Materials, Nature Catalysis, Nature Catalysis (1), Nature Communications (17)发表论文800余篇,所有文章被引超过67000(Google Scholar),其中有73篇被列为ESI高被引文章,20241月,论文的H指数125邵宗平教授也是2014, 2107-2023年入选全球高被引学者, 其中20222023年是材料和化学双领域入选者。申请和授权国际国内专利80余项,承担澳大利亚ARC 项目10多项,2011年获得澳大利亚未来科学奖(Future Fellow。是ACS Energy Fuels副主编,Materials Reports: Energy执行副主编,RSC-Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Materials Advances, Willey: Energy Science & Engineering, Exploration Elsevier: Materials Review, IOP: Energy Materials, NPG: Scientific Reports, Nanomaterials, 等杂志的编辑, 欧盟科学院院士,担任多次国际学术会议主席和共同主席。

摘要:Materials play a critical role in the transition of our energy system from fossil fuels towards carbon-neutral renewable energies. During the past around 25 years, we are mainly focusing on the development of functional materials that can make the electrochemical energy storage and conversion more efficient, cost effective and durable. In particular, we spend intensive effort in the design of perovskite-type materials for applications in solid oxide fuel cells, water electrolyzers, and solar cells. In this presentation, we will mainly discuss the strategy that we have applied for screening perovskite materials towards various uses, and several successful stories will be given. At the end, we will also present our some recent progress in utilizing the materials developed in practical devices towards commercial applications.



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