Prof. Hans-Joachim Freund, the winner of CAS President’s International Fellowship for Distinguished Scientists, visited DICP from May 14th to 17th, 2019.

During the visit, Freund gave an academic lecture entitled “Can single crystal model catalyst based on thin oxide films tell by about real powder catalysts?". Prof. Freund showed his studies related with ultrathin oxide films, catalysis confined under silica, surface action spectroscopy, and others. Prof. Qiang Fu hosted Prof. Freund's lecture, and nearly 100 researchers and students, including Prof. Can Li, Prof. Wenjie Shen, Prof. Jianping Xiao, joined this academic activity.

Prof. Hans-Joachim Freund is a scientific member and director at the Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft in Berlin where he was head of the Department of Chemical Physics. The department was dedicated to the study of model catalysts, applying a large number of techniques and instruments, some of which were newly developed within the department to investigate oxide surfaces and oxide-metal interfaces. He serves as Adjunct Professors at five universities in Germany and UK. He received awards in Europe, US, and Asia. He is a member of six Academies including the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and holds three honorary Doctorates. He received the Gaede-Langmuir Award of the American Vacuum Society and is the recipient of the 2015 Michel Boudart for the Advancement of Catalysis by the North American Catalysis Society and the European Federation of Catalysis Societies. He is Fellow of the American Physical Society and has published more than 815 scientific papers with more than 45000 citations and given about 770 invited talks. He has held a number of named lectureships around the world.