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【LECTURE】AI-Driven Energy Catalysis: Make AI Do Your Work(2023-05-14)
2024-05-14 08:00:59

Dr. Haobo Li

The University of Adelaide, Australia


Dr. Haobo Li is a Research Fellow at the School of Chemical Engineering, The University of Adelaide, Australia. Her research interests center around AI-driven energy catalysis. She received her Ph.D. in 2017 from Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). In 2018 she moved to Technical University of Munich (TUM) as an Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow. In 2022, Dr. Li joined The University of Adelaide, where she has been appointed as the sole Chief Investigator for an ARC (Australian Research Council) DECRA (Discovery Early Career Researcher Award) Fellowship since 2024. She was awarded the MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35 (TR35, Asian Pacific) in 2023. She has published 55 refereed papers (including Science, Science, PNAS, Nature Commun., JACS, Angew., etc.) with a total citation of 8,100 and an h-index of 33 (google scholar).


Energy catalysis represents a pivotal domain in contemporary scientific research. Nevertheless, the inherent complexity of many associated problems, influenced by numerous factors, surpasses the capabilities of traditional theoretical models. This raises a critical inquiry: can theoretical computations reliably anticipate experimental outcomes? In this seminar, I will present our recent progress in the interdisciplinary intersection of energy science and data science. AI technology is demonstrating robust auxiliary capabilities in catalyst material design, the establishment of catalysis theoretical models, experimental data mining, and various other aspects. This trend positions it as a prospective standard research tool in the field of energy catalysis in the near future.

腾讯会议:754 770 265


报告时间:2024年5月14日 9:00

上一条: 【LECTURE】300小时电化学还原氮气合成氨(2024-05-14) 下一条:【答辩】电化学有机材料的结构及离子传导机制的核磁共振研究(2024-05-13)

